Girls Youth
Fall Lacrosse
We are here to provide a positive environment for brand new and experienced players to develop and compete in our Girls Lacrosse Rec League. Grades 2nd through 8th are able to sign up. Our Girls will practice twice a week and the have games on Saturday morning for the last 4 weeks. The goal is continue growing the game, helping kids develop their skills and have fun doing so!
Practice will be Twice a Week. If Practice is on a Week Night we will go from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at the Greenwood Lakes Park , Roller Hockey Rink. If it is on a Saturday Mornings from 9:30am to 11am we will be at Seminole High Practice Field right as you enter the Ninth Grade Campus, note you can only enter the Ninth Grade Center through the street Live Oak BLVD.
Practice Dates:
Tue 10/15 Fri 10/18
Tue 10/22 Fri 10/25
Tue 10/29 Fri 11/1
Fri 11/8 Sat 11/9
Fri 11/15 Sat 11/16
Fri 11/22 Sat 11/23
Tue 12/3 Sat 12/7
Players will need to provide their own Girls Stick which is a 30 Inch Shaft and will have an almost flat pocket. You can find these at any local Sports Store for about $50
The Boys Sticks have a Deeper Pocket so please avoid purchasing those.